Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Mail Order Health Food, Whatever Next!

It would certainly be a rather sweeping generalisation, to assume that all ‘foodies’ are frivolous; nonetheless the world of gastronomy does not come cheap, and those who wish to embroil themselves in its delights, are often prepared to pay the price.

But alas, not this Cow; you see in my opinion, half the satisfaction of discovering new and innovative gourmet experiences balances on the bargain.
And for the Scoffing Cow, there is no better bargain, than one that is completely and utterly, categorically free.

So when I stumbled across a ‘no strings’ trial at the newly established online snackery,, I couldn’t resist; and before I knew it, had provided my details, created an unimaginative user ID, and was eagerly perusing their selection of delights.
Graze, whose tag line is ‘nature delivered,’ quite simply offer healthy eating by post.
Don’t be alarmed, Gillian McKeith isn’t about to be pushed through your letter box; Graze is all about sending you healthy and nutritious nibbles, as often as you like, and exactly when you like.
Devised by the same brain power behind ‘Lovefilm,’ the company works on pretty much the same premise; you browse through their goodies (all 130 of them), rank how much you would like to try each one, and await delivery. Simples.

With a huge variety of healthy and nutritious snacks, (and a couple of less saintly sweet treats) Graze provide a variety of customisable ‘nibble boxes’ supposedly filled with slow releasing natural foods designed to boost immunity and keep blood sugar high. As a result, consumers are less likely to reach for those 3 o’clock Hob-Nobs, or wilt into their office chairs like unenthused teenagers.

So, with the first box free, and the second half price, after rating a few products on their website as instructed, I arranged for my first order to be delivered straight to my desk.

With my opening nibble box due for arrival first thing tomorrow, I have to admit, the thought of the Monday morning commute to work, has become much more appealing.

Knowing me, I will probably spend the first hour of my incredibly hectic working day cooing over the contents, neglecting the ringing of my phone or the pinging of emails, in favouring of scoffing, and, well…scoffing.
But alas, if my nibbles really are as effective as Graze would have me believe, my increased afternoon productivity will surely counter a pretty slack and distracted morning… at least that’s what I’ll tell my boss!

It’s pathetic that I’m so excited about this I know. But really; free, delicious and healthy? The words ‘too good’ and ‘true’ unavoidably spring to mind.

Perhaps I’m being cynical? Not like me is it?

(That was a rhetorical question.)

Watch this space folks; review to follow.

(P.S For any Scoffer (or indeed Grazer) who would like to try their own free Graze Nibble Box, simply enter HR5CJ8W upon registration, or click the link below….)