It’s Monday morning and as per usual, I’m surrounded by exhaust fumes, becoming increasingly more agitated during the laborious journey to work, after two glorious days of freedom.
This morning however, I’m even more frustrated; the much anticipated free nibble box (courtesy of Graze) is due to land on my desk this very day, and if Royal Mail have upheld their end of the bargain, is already sat patiently awaiting my arrival.
As I push open the office door, and chunter the obligatory ‘mornings’ to my more punctual colleagues, I spy the little brown box nestled amongst my in-tray.
Quietly ‘eeeping’ to myself, I quickly discard my handbag, throw aside my coat, and rip open the parcel.
Well, Nature Delivered sure looks delightful. Four fist sized little punnets of yummy looking treats, sit quaintly inside a colourfully decorated box. A personalised insert provides corresponding key nutritionals, as well as use-by dates, and the main ingredients.
The first thing that strikes me, aside from the aesthetically pleasing presentation, is the apparent lack of variety within my box. Despite the website boasting deli topped focaccia breads, marinated olives, and tasty flapjacks, I don’t seem to have any of these.
Hiding my disappointment, and consoling myself in the knowledge that flapjacks and focaccia are for the main, pretty naughty nibbles, I tear open the first punnet, switch on my computer (having realised that I am actually supposed to be work) and delve straight in.